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Table 6 Purposively sampled t3 qualitative interviews with patients with non-malignant conditions (intervention arm) and their Impact Categorisation Levels

From: The clinical and cost effectiveness of a Breathlessness Intervention Service for patients with advanced non-malignant disease and their informal carers: mixed findings of a mixed method randomised controlled trial

Change in NRS distress due to breathlessnessa (primary outcome measure) from t1 to t3 (and Impact Categorisation Level)

Cell 1: Biggest Improvers (from high baseline scores)

Cell 2: Limited Improvers (high baseline score Cell 1 matches who improved the least)

 068: NRS distress reduced from 8-2 (Level 1)

 002: NRS distress unchanged at 8-8 (Level 2)

 012: NRS distress reduced from 9-3 (Level 1)

 038: NRS distress reduced from 8-6 (Level 1)

 137: NRS distress reduced from 10-3 (Level 1)

 059: NRS distress reduced from 10-7 (Level 2)

 140: NRS distress reduced from 10-2 (Level 1)

 103: NRS distress reduced from 10-9 (Level 1)

 100: NRS distress reduced from 8-0 (Level 1)

 109: NRS distress reduced from 9-7 (Level 3)

Cell 3: Worseners (who turned out to have a low-middling baseline scores)

Cell 4: Moderate Improvers (closest baseline score Cell 3 matches who improved the most)

 072: NRS distress increased from 5-8 (Level 1)

 015: NRS distress reduced from 5-2 (Level 3)

 084: NRS distress increased from 6-9 (Level 2)

 036: NRS distress reduced from 5-0 (Level 2)

 126: NRS distress increased from 5-7 (Level 1)

 042: NRS distress reduced from 6-2 (Level 1)

 158: NRS distress increased from 1-3 (Level 1)

 161: NRS distress reduced from 5-0 (Level 2)

 027: NRS distress increased from 3-4 (Level 2)

 108: NRS distress reduced from 6-1 (Level 3)

  1. aHigh score is worse
  2. Level 1 = significant impact; Level 2 = some impact; Level 3 = no impact.
  3. Numbers to the left = study identity numbers