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Table 2 Study characteristics of randomised trials of fall prevention in older adults citing Prevention of Falls Network Europe (ProFaNE) (n = 34)

From: Appraising the uptake and use of recommendations for a common outcome data set for clinical trials: a case study in fall injury prevention

Study characteristic

Number (%) if not otherwise stated

Number of centres

 Single centre

9 (26)


16 (47)


9 (26)

Number of treatment arms

 2 arms

26 (76)

 3 or more arms

8 (24)

Funding source


2 (6)


24 (71)

 Both industry and non-industry

5 (15)

 None required

1 (3)


2 (3)

Types of intervention


16 (47)

 Exercise only

14 (41)

 Advice or education only

2 (6)

 Other single intervention

2 (6)

Population at high risk of falling (Yes)

18 (53)

Sample size (median (interquartile range))

233 (124, 401)

Proportion of female participants (min, max)

37 % to 100 %

Mean age of included participants (min, max)

62 to 88

Assessed falls as primary outcome

23 (68)

Measured primary outcome at ≥12 months

20 (59)