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Table 1 Overview of postoperative rehabilitation protocol – hands-on physical therapy care [25]

From: Physical therapy aimed at self-management versus usual care physical therapy after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial






Soft tissue massage and trigger point therapy of iliopsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, adductor group, gluteus medius/minimus, tensor fascia latae and quadratus lumborum muscles

Address soft tissue restrictions with the aim of pain reduction and mobility improvement of the hip and pelvis

Sustained pressure to each trigger point (with muscle on stretch). Longitudinal massage along the muscle belly

Week 2 - 14

30–60 seconds per trigger point < 5 minutes per muscle

Manual mobilizations of the hip

To improve mobility and pain-free movement of the hip (especially flexion and internal/external rotation)

Traction directed inferior with hip in maximum loose packed position. Traction applied with traction belt directed inferiorly/laterally with hip in flexion (and, if necessary, rotations)

Week 2 – 8

3–5 sets 30–60 seconds

Manual mobilizations of the lumbar spine

To improve mobility and pain-free movement of the hip and lumbar spine

Unilateral posterior-anterior accessory glides grade 3 or 4. Gentle mobilizations with subject/participant lying on their side

Week 2 – 8

3–5 sets 30–60 seconds

Manual mobilizations of the pelvis

To improve mobility and pain-free movement of the hip and pelvis

Mobilizations of the ilium in the anterior or posterior direction or mobilization of the sacrum

Week 2 – 8

3–5 sets 30–60 seconds

  1. The physical therapy protocol is performed by one physical therapist (MT) and is semi-structured. The hands-on physical therapy care will be based on subject specific indications and clinical presentation such as pain and range of motion (ROM) restrictions. In case multiple techniques are indicated the order will be as follows: manual mobilizations of lumbar spine, pelvis and hip before soft tissue massage and trigger point therapy