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Table 4 Examples of concomitant interventions accompanying a surgical intervention: knee replacement

From: Interventions in randomised controlled trials in surgery: issues to consider during trial design

Pre-, peri- or post-operative

Concomitant interventions



Magnetic resonance imaging

Pre-operative imaging to plan the exact type of implant required

Investigations within the pre-operative assessment clinic

Pre-operative blood tests, electrocardiogram, X-rays and other interventions (such as echocardiogram) as required


Muscle strengthening exercises


Application of pulse oximeter, oxygen mask and blood pressure cuff

Intra-operative monitoring devices

Application of continuous pump devices and compression stockings

Preventative measures for deep vein thrombosis

Insertion of a urinary catheter

To prevent urinary retention (potential consequence of spinal anaesthesia)

Insertion of a peripheral cannula

To allow delivery of intravenous analgesia

Administration of spinal anaesthesia

Injection of a local anaesthetic into the subarachnoid space, through a fine needle

Administration of intravenous analgesia

To minimise intra-operative pain

Application of a knee bandage

To provide pressure and minimise swelling


Administration of subcutaneous clexane

Preventative measures for deep vein thrombosis

Application of continuous pump devices and compression stockings

Preventative measures for deep vein thrombosis

Administration of oral analgesia

To minimise post-operative pain


Muscle strengthening exercises and learning to walk with crutches or a frame

Use of a continuous passive movement machine

Provide passive motion in a specific plane of movement, and protect the healing repair or tissue