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Table 2 Duration of disease by source at registration with DILT1D study team

From: Effective recruitment of participants to a phase I study using the internet and publicity releases through charities and patient organisations: analysis of the adaptive study of IL-2 dose on regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes (DILT1D)

T1D duration




Less than 100 days a

24 (9%)

33 (12%)

1 (0.4%)

Between 100 days and two years b

56 (21%)

85 (31%)

47 (17%)

Two years or more

1 (0.4%)

24 (9%)

1 (0.4%)

  1. aNewly diagnosed T1D.
  2. bRecently diagnosed T1D.
  3. Numbers given are of individuals in each group category where data was available (N = 272).