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Table 3 Maternal, newborn, and child health continuum of care card contents

From: Ghana’s Ensure Mothers and Babies Regular Access to Care (EMBRACE) program: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial


Main components

CoC services

Four ANC visits


Delivery with skilled birth attendant


Three PNC visits

Essential services

Hemoglobin test


Malaria drug (IPT)


Tetanus toxoid immunization

Blood group and Rhesus factor

Health education

Items for delivery and baby




Transportation for delivery

Call a health service provider after delivery


Early initiate and exclusive breast feeding


Family planning counselling

Danger signs

Identification of danger signs during pregnancy


Identification of danger signs at delivery and after delivery for mother


Identification of danger signs at birth and after birth for newborn

  1. ANC, antenatal care; CoC, Continuum of Care; IPT, Intermittent Preventive Treatment; PNC, postnatal care.