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Table 1 Trials exploring ACE inhibitor dosing regimens in heart failure

From: Dose response of ACE inhibitors: implications of the SECURE trial


ACE-I regimens (daily doses)

Major findings

NETWORK (n = 1532)

Enalapril 2.5 mg bid vs 5 mg bid vs 10 mg bid

No difference in hospitalizations for heart failure; trend


Follow-up: 5.5 months

towards fewer deaths with increasing dose

ATLAS (n = 3164)

Lisinopril 2.5-5 mg od vs 32.5-35 mg od

Trends towards reduced total and CV mortality and


Follow-up:46 months

significant reduction in mortality and all-cause


hospitalizations for high-dose lisinopril

CHIPS (n = 298)

Captopril 25 mg bid vs 50 mg bid

Trend towards reduced hospitalizations for heart failure and


Follow-up: 2 years

towards reduced fatal and nonfatal cardiac events for


high-dose captopril

HEDS (n = 248)

Enalapril 20 mg vs 60 mg

No significant differences in survival, clinical and


Follow-up: 12 months

hemodynamic variables

  1. ACE-I = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ATLAS = Assessment of Treatment with Lisinopril and Survival; CHIPS = Captopril in Heat Insufficient Patients Study; HEDS = High Enalapril Dose Study; NETWORK = Network of General Practitioners and Hospital Physicians Involved in the Study of Low versus High Doses of Enalapril in Patients with Heart Failure trial.