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Table 3 Survey of journals editors' endorsement of extensions to the CONSORT Statement *

From: Endorsement of the CONSORT Statement by high impact factor medical journals: a survey of journal editors and journal 'Instructions to Authors'




Not applicable

Journal recommends authors comply with the CONSORT


   Cluster extension

31 (69%)

10 (22%)

4 (9%)

   Harms extension

27 (60%)

11 (24%)

7 (16%)

   Herbal extension

13 (29%)

10 (22%)

22 (49%)

   Non-inferiority and equivalence extension

19 (42%)

12 (27%)

14 (31%)

Journal requires authors comply with the CONSORT


   Cluster extension

22 (49%)

16 (36%)

7 (15%)

   Harms extension

18 (40%)

18 (40%)

9 (20%)

   Herbal extension

12 (26%)

14 (30%)

20 (44%)

   Non-inferiority and equivalence extension

13 (29%)

17 (39%)

14 (32%)

Journal mentions CONSORT extension in its 'Instructions to Authors'


   Cluster extension

12 (27%)

28 (62%)

5 (11%)

   Harms extension

10 (22%)

29 (65%)

6 (13%)

   Herbal extension

5 (12%)

24 (56%)

14 (32%)

   Non-inferiority and equivalence extension

5 (12%)

28 (65%)

10 (23%)

  1. * Some responders did not complete all sections of the survey.