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Table 1 Description of the massage and stretching exercises

From: Effectiveness of two physical therapy interventions, relative to dental treatment in individuals with bruxism: study protocol of a randomized clinical trial





Patient lying supine knees semi-flexed and head on pillow with proper height.

Inspiration/Pause/Expiration: 3:3:3 seconds, five sets


Diaphragmatic breathing training.


Extra-oral: sliding, kneading, friction, and trigger points release (ischemic compression) with cream and emphasis on the masseter, anterior temporalis, and muscles of the neck as the upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid, bilaterally.

Ischemic compression (maximum 60 seconds with 10-second rest between compressions), five sets


Intra oral: sliding, trigger points release (ischemic compression), and circular and transverse friction, with glove, on the masticatory muscles, with emphasis on the masseter, bilaterally.


Muscle stretching exercises

Patient lying supine knees semi-flexed and head on pillow.

Three sets of 30 seconds


Masticatory muscles: Passive exercises with the help of the therapist (using gloves): elevators of the jaw (masseter, temporalis and medial pterygoid), retrusores (posterior temporal, digastric), lateral (contralateral lateral pterygoid) and circular movements of the jaw.


Intervals between sets of 10 seconds


Patient sitting, feet flat on the ground and spine aligned.


Muscles of the head and cervical spine: Passive exercises with the help of the therapist: extensor (upper trapezius, levator scapulae, suboccipital), flexor (sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene), lateral flexor (sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius, middle and posterior scalenes, bilaterally), and rotators (upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid contralateral), bilateral.