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Table 2 Process evaluation components and related process measures of a complex intervention according to Reelick and colleagues[15]

From: Process evaluation of a multicomponent dyadic intervention study with exercise and support for people with dementia and their family caregivers

Process components

Process measures

Study population

1. Recruitment and selection rate

2. Barriers and facilitators in recruitment and selection process

3. Follow-up: attrition rate

4. Barriers and facilitators for follow-up

Multiple components

1. Quality of delivery of the interventional components

2. Barriers and facilitators for delivery of interventional components

3. Adherence to interventional components

4. Barriers and facilitators for adherence to interventional components

5. Experience of participants and instructors with interventional components

Data acquisition

1. Outcome measures: coverage of interventional components

2. Completeness of data collection

3. Barriers and facilitators for data collection