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Table 3 The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) symptom score system for chronic non-atrophic gastritis (CNG)

From: The efficacy and safety of Jian-Wei-Qu-Tong Pills for the treatment of chronic non-atrophic gastritis (spleen and stomach qi deficiency with damp-heat stasis syndrome): study protocol for a phase II, randomized controlled trial



Grading system

Primary symptom

Epigastric pain



0 score: None

2 score: Mild pain, does not affect work and life, VAS score 1 to 3

4 score: Moderate pain, affects work and life partly, VAS score 4 to 6

6 score: Severe pain, affects work and life fully, need rest, VAS score 7 to 10



0 score: None

2 score: Less than 1 hour a day

4 score: 1 to 2 hours a day

6 score: More than 2 hours a day

Total primary symptom scores


Degree score + Duration score

Frequency of epigastric pain


Score = the days of pain attack in a week (for example, a score of 7 indicates pain everyday)

Secondary symptoms

Weakness and lassitude


0 score: No

2 score: Yes

Dry mouth/bitter taste in mouth


0 score: No

2 score: Yes

Loss of appetite


0 score: None

1 score: food intake reduced by 1/3

2 score: food intake reduced by 1/3 to 2/3

3 score: food intake reduced by 2/3

Distention and fullness


0 score: None

1 score: Mild,

2 score: Moderate, does not affect work and life

3 score: Severe, need drug control

Loose stool


0 score: No

2 score: Yes



0 score: No

2 score: Yes

Total symptom score


Total symptom score = total primary symptom scores + total secondary symptom scores. Frequency of epigastric pain score is calculated independently.