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Table 1 Seven randomised controlled trials of herbal formulae for people with allergic rhinitis (2000–2013)

From: The effects of two Chinese herbal medicinal formulae vs. placebo controls for treatment of allergic rhinitis: a randomised controlled trial



Herbal formula

Baseline assessment

Sample and design

Treatment F/U

Main results

Chinese Herbal Nasal Drop

Chui et al., (2010) [15]

Yu-ping-feng San:

Interviewed by Chinese medicine practitioner and Western physician

35 (20 and 15 in treatment and control group, respectively)

2 weeks treatment

Significant improvements in clinical symptoms: sneezing, itchiness, running nose, and stuffiness, as well as quality of life in terms of complexion and sleep

Radix Ledebouriellae 5%

Follow-ups at the 2nd, 5th, and 7th week of treatment (2 + 3 + 2 weeks) after intervention

14–71 years old


Two-groups, cross-over design

Radix Glycyrrhizae 6%


Herba Centipede 23%

Clinical symptom score,

Herba Menthae 16%

Quality of life (ChQOL questionnaire)

Radix Paeoniae Alba 16%

Blood test for RFT, LFT, haematological status, and C-reactive protein

Radix Scutellariae 10%

Radix Platcodi 6%

Floz Lonicerae 5%

Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae 5%

Rhizoma Coptidis 4%

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 4%


Zhao et al., (2009) [17]

Yu-ping-feng San:

ENT specialist assessment

126 (both 63 in treatment and control group)

4 weeks treatment (twice daily) and 5 visits

Significant improvements in symptom diary and severity, and quality of life

Skin test for dust mite, mould, and animal dander

Baseline measurement and each week of intervention;


Saposhnikovia divaricata 7.5 g

18–65 years old

Double-blinded RCT, with placebo control

Blood test for LFT and full blood count


Medical overall assessment not reached statistical significance

2 weeks follow-up after intervention

Magnolia biondii Pamp 15 g

Blood serum IgE, Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP), symptom records, medicine diary, quality of life (SF-36), overall medical condition, and level of compliance

Blood test for IgE and ECP also not significant difference

Xanthium Sibiricum Patrin ex wider 7.5 g


Angelica dahurica 20 g

Gentiana scabra Bunge 5 g

Verbena officinalis L. 5 g


Yang & Yu, (2008) [20]

Formula ‘BZYQT, included:

Skin test and MAST dust mite

60 (36 and 24 in treatment and control group, respectively)

3 months treatment (BZYQT & Ping-wai-san) in powder form; 3 times/day after meal

Nasal score, IgE level, PGE2 and LTC4 significantly decreased immediately after intervention

Yu-ping-feng San:

Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz 2.0 g

17–32 years old

Pre- and post-test only

Perennial AR only


RCT, comparing between two herbal formulae

Astragalus mongholicus Bunge 6.0 g

Nasal symptoms of Okuda and co-workers (1984); blood test for IgE, and measurement of E2 and LTC4, and COX smRNA


Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. 4.0 g

Citrus reticulate Blanco 2.0 g


foetida L. 1.0 g Angelica dah0rica fisch. ex Hoffim 2.0 g

Bupleurum chinense DC 1.0 g

Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch 4.0 g

Ziziphus jujube Mill var. inermis Rehd 2.0 g

Zingiber officinale Rosc 3.0 g


Atractylodes lancea Thunb 4.0 g

Magnolia officinalis Rehd. Et Wils 1.5 g

Citrus reticulate Blanco 1.0 g

Zingiber officinale Rosc 0.5 g

Ziziphus jujube Mill. var. inermis Rdhd 0.5 g

Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch 1.0 g


Yang et al., (2010) [21]

Yu-ping-feng San:

Skin test for dust mite, mould and animal dander

108 (62 and 38 in treatment and placebo control group, respectively)

3 months treatment (treatment and placebo groups) powders in capsule

Significant improvements in serum IgE level and nasal symptoms


Multiple allergen simultaneous test, nasal symptoms, nasal airflow resistance, nostril dissection area, and serum titer of IgE

18–64 years old RCT with placebo controls

Pre- and post-test only

Saposhnikovia divaricata schischk


Rhizome og Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch

Magnolia Lilifloar desr

Asarum heterotropoides

Angelica dahu-rica Benth. Et Hook

Rhizome of Liqusticum sinense Oliva

Dried rhizomas of liqusticum Wallichi Franch

Rhizomas of Cimicifuga foetida L.

Rhizomas of Akebia quinata Decne


Hu et al., (2002) [18]

Yu-ping-feng San:

Assessed by physician and skin test

58 (26 and 32 for treatment and placebo control group, respectively) 18–65 year old

Five capsules of herbal extract for 12 weeks and 5 visits

Non-significant improvement in symptom severity symptom improvements in treatment group and only sneezing was significantly improved

Ledebouriella divaricata 460 g


Astragalus membranaceus 552 g

Serum IgE, symptom diary with visual analogue scale, quality of life (RQLQ), patient evaluation of symptom improvement, and overall medical evaluation, and level of compliance

RCT with placebo controls

Baseline, interim and a few weeks after treatments

Quality of life was significantly improved



One year later treatment was offered to the placebo (wait-list) controls

Rehmannia glutinosa 460 g

Scutellaria baicalensis 460 g

Polygonatum sibiricum 368 g

Ginkgo biloba 460 g

Epimedium sagittatum 460 g

Psoralea corylifolia 460 g

Schisandra chinensis 368 g

Pulp of prunus mume 184 g

Angelica dahurica 368 g

Chinese herbal medicine

Xue et al., (2003) [19]

Yu-ping-feng San:

Assessed by Western (ENT) and Chinese medicine practitioners, conforming the diagnosis of AR

55 (28 and 27 for treatment and control group, respectively)

8 weeks of extract capsules

Significant improvements in symptom severity scores and quality of life in treatment group in the 8th and 10th week

Astragali, radix

Pre- and post-test and 2 weeks after treatment

Atractylodis macrofephalae rhizome

27–54 years old

Saposhnikoviae, radix


Subjects randomly allocated by computer


Nasal Symptom Quality of life (RQLQ), amount of medication use and blood tests for IgE, IgA, and IgM

Xanthii, fructus

Angelicae Sinensis, radix

Asari, herba

Bupleuri, radix

Cimicifugae, rhizome

Codonopsis pilosulae, radix

Chuanxiong, rhizome

Magnolia, flos

Menthae, herba

Citri reticulatae, pericappium

Plantaginis, semen

Schisandrae, fructus

Schizonepetae, herba

Chebulae, fructus


Lenon et al., 2012 [16]

Yu-ping-feng San:

Medical assessment by ENT expert

95 (47/48)

8 weeks of treatment – two capsules 3 times per day (treatment and placebo group)

No significant differences on all outcomes

18–65 years old

Astragalus membranaceus (Fish.)


Skin test, symptom severity, quality of life, and blood test for liver and kidney functions

Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz).

Bi-weekly F/U till the end of treatment

Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Fisch.)


Bupleurum Chinense D.C.

Magnolia Liliflora (Desr.)

Mentha haplocalyx Briq.

Schizonepeat Tenuifolia Briq

Scutellaria baicalensis Geogi.