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Table 2 Txt2stop examples for the 7 Ps

From: Using marketing theory to inform strategies for recruitment: a recruitment optimisation model and the txt2stop experience

The 7 Ps

Examples from txt2stop


Core trial specific: Direct and indirect benefits to quitting smoking.

Core general: Feelings of pride and self-worth for contributing to research and the social good.

Tangible: Txt2stop offered the only mobile phone-based smoking cessation support intervention available at the time; systematic individualised support for time-scarce smokers who value convenience and anonymity. The txt2stop and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine name and logo were part of the branding, conveying values of scientific integrity.

Augmented: Txt2stop offered a free phone line to answer queries.

Price (costs)

Psychological and inconvenience: Concerns about the trial being a ‘scam’ and the possibility of having to provide a saliva sample.


Mass media: Posters, newspapers and radio adverts, YouTube video, internet banner, and Facebook page. Interpersonal channels: GPs, pharmacists, and smoking cessation services.


Wherever the participant took his/her phone.


Phone staff were selected on the basis of their communication skills, knowledge of trial procedures, and the ability to communicate empathy.

Physical environment

Not applicable – txt2stop provided its service via mobiles and recruited over the phone. Participants had on the most part no physical contact with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where the trial was based. A minority visited the school to provide a saliva sample.


Txt2stop streamlined its processes by registering and randomising over the phone, keeping the duration of calls to a minimum and allowing consent by SMS.