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Table 2 Principal strata according to potential behavior in each source of noncompliance (alternative version of Table 1 )

From: Intermediate outcomes in randomized clinical trials: an introduction


Behavior pattern in noncompliance sources 1, 2 and 3a

Treatment assigned and received for subject R in corresponding stratum


Yes, no, no

Ri(Ti) = Ti


Yes, yes, no


Yes, yes, yes


Yes, no, yes


Always takers

No, yes, no

Ri(Ti) = 1


No, yes, yes


No, no, yes



No, no, no

Ri(Ti) = 0


  1. *As the trial is blinded, there are no defiers, as subjects cannot systematically take the opposite treatment; **Ri = treatment received, Ti = treatment assigned (0 = placebo, 1 = calcium); asources of (non)compliance: 1, taking >80% of pills assigned; 2, collateral treatment involving substantial calcium indicated by physician; 3, self-indicated collateral treatment involving substantial calcium.