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Table 1 Algorithm for management of elevated intraocular pressure

From: Ozurdex® (a slow-release dexamethasone implant) in proliferative vitreoretinopathy: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Intraocular pressure (mmHg)



≤ 25


As per protocol schedule

>25 but <30

Single topical ocular hypotensive

Within 6 weeks*

≥ 30 but <35

Dual topical ocular hypotensive

Within 6 weeks

≥ 35

Oral administration of acetazolamide 500 mg and dual therapy (recheck intraocular pressure within 2 hours)

After 2 hours:

1. Intraocular pressure <35 mmHg – oral administration of Diamox 250 mg SR bd 5 days + dual topical therapy F/U 1 week

2. Intraocular pressure ≥35 mmHg – same day glaucoma service input and/or consultant VR input

  1. SR = slow release, bd = twice daily, F/U = follow up, VR = vitreoretinal.
  2. *If intraocular pressure has not responded to single therapy or only partially responded, then a substitute agent will be tried or an additional agent added, respectively.