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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Transfer of manualized CBT for social phobia into clinical practice (SOPHO-PRAX): a study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Diagnosis of SP (SCID-I)


Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale >30 (>60 for generalized subtype)


Age 18 to 70 years


SP must be primary diagnosis (most severe disorder according to ADIS-IV)


SP patients with co-morbid disorders will be included, provided that SP is the primary diagnosis, thus ensuring a clinically representative sample as well as analyses of subgroups (for example, type of SP, patients with co-morbid depressive disorder)

Exclusion criteria

Psychotic disorder


Prominent risk of self-harm


Acute substance-related disorders


Personality disorders except for avoidant


Obsessive-compulsive or dependent personality disorder (SCID-II) organic mental disorder


Severe medical conditions


Concurrent psychotherapeutic or psychopharmacological treatment, with the following exception: specific psychopharmacological treatments (that is, tranquilizer, hypnotics, neuroleptics, phytopharmaceuticals, and beta-blockers prescribed as anxiolytics) should be terminated prior to therapy onset


Anti-depressive medication represents no exclusion criterion as long it is reliably and stably consumed