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Table 1 Sponsorship and trial-phase specific patterns: AAGR (A) and prior-posterior implementation means (B)

From: Impact assessment of the European Clinical Trials Directive: a longitudinal, prospective, observational study analyzing patterns and trends in clinical drug trial applications submitted since 2001 to regulatory agencies in six EU countries


All trials

CS trials

NCS trials

Ph I trials

Ph II trials

Ph III trials

Ph IV trials

A AAGR (Period 2001 to 2009) (%)

















































B Means (Prior-Posterior Comparison) (n CTA)

IT 1

587 ⇨ 744*

433 ⇨ 479

153 ⇨ 260*

9 ⇨ 21*

206 ⇨ 280*

311 ⇨ 344

47 ⇨ 87*

ES 1

576 ⇨ 626

446 ⇨ 556

130 ⇨ 104

90 ⇨ 92

142 ⇨ 175

278 ⇨ 272

67 ⇨ 101

NL 2

697 ⇨ 597*

405 ⇨ 351

292 ⇨ 246

139 ⇨ 126

161 ⇨ 132

203 ⇨ 177

73 ⇨ 67

DE 1

1,497 ⇨1,428*

(1,300) ⇨ 1,170

(197) ⇨ 259

462 ⇨ 340*

340 ⇨ 321

437 ⇨ 368*

65 ⇨ 144*

FR 3

1,165 ⇨ 973*

885 ⇨ 727*

310 ⇨ 247*

288 ⇨ 221*

291 ⇨ 288

365 ⇨ 350

160 ⇨ 101*

UK 1,4

1,248 ⇨ 832**

656 ⇨ 576**

592 ⇨ 256**

nd ⇨ (301)

nd ⇨ 353

nd ⇨ 261

nd ⇨ 218

  1. In the case of Germany, exact distribution patterns for sponsorship could not been established for the period prior May 2004, the reported mean (n = 197) refers exclusively to studies initiated by universities or university hospitals. For the UK, trial phase specific distribution patterns prior to 2004 are unknown.
  2. 1: IT, ES, DE, UK: Means of three consecutive years prior to implementation (2001 to 2003) versus means for period posterior to implementation (2005 to 2007)
  3. 2: NL: Means of three consecutive years 'prior' (2003 to 2005) versus means for years 'posterior' to implementation (2007 to 2009)
  4. 3: FR: Means of three consecutive years 'prior' (2001 to 2003) versus years 'posterior' (2007 to 2009). Transition period for implementation of EUCTD in France: 2004 to 2006
  5. 4: UK: Means (All trials, CS trials, NCS trials) do not account for phase I trials ('trials with healthy volunteers')
  6. CS/NCS, Commercial/Non-commercial Sponsor; nd, no data; *, significant, defined as P ≤ 0.05; **, highly significant, defined as P ≤ 0.001