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Table 1 STICA Treatment phases and strategies

From: Effects of a manualized short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction (STICA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Treatment phase

Key interventions

Early phase

Patient education on mechanisms and effects of IA/CA (for example learning theories, development and consequences of IA/CA, vicious cycles of addiction, and so on)


Promotion of social communication and bonding in the group and individual setting

Middle phase

Identification of the triggers of dysfunctional internet use (for example emotional states, maladaptive cognitions, daily hassles, and so on) by keeping diaries


Functional analysis of the addictive behavior


Enabling functional internet use by appropriate problem-solving strategies


Assisting the establishment of a social network in real life


Building alternative activities


Self-monitoring to reduce procrastination tendencies


Promotion of social communication


Exposition training (confronting and deleting access to critical applications, for example the self-created avatar)


Skill training (for example coping with stress and problems, social skills, building alternative activities, and so on)


Promotion of functional computer and internet use

Termination and relapse prevention

Review of transfer of treatment tools to daily life


Functional computer/internet use


Elaboration of tools preventing a relapse