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Table 1 Proposed actions during home visits by community health workers

From: The Uganda Newborn Study (UNEST): an effectiveness study on improving newborn health and survival in rural Uganda through a community-based intervention linked to health facilities - study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

Two visits during pregnancy (ANC)

Focus of pregnancy visit 1 (as early as possible or in second trimester)

Counsel on and refer for ANC including TT, IPT and ITNs

Counsel on birth preparedness and use of clean delivery practices

Assess and counsel on danger signs of pregnancy

Counsel on and refer for HIV testing for PMTCT

Focus of pregnancy visit 2 (in third trimester)

Counsel on birth preparedness

Assess for maternal danger signs and refer if present

Counsel on clean delivery practices

Counsel on immediate maternal newborn and newborn care practices

Counsel on newborn danger signs

Three visits after pregnancy (PNC)

Postnatal visit 1: birthday to day 2

Screen for and counsel on maternal and newborn danger signs and refer if present

Take newborn’s temperature, weight and respiratory rate

Support temperature management (skin-to-skin for all babies, delayed bathing, and wrapping)

Support immediate and exclusive breastfeeding

Encourage cleanliness especially cord care

Postnatal visit 2: day 3 after birth

Assess for maternal and newborn danger signs and refer if necessary

Refer for immunization

Counsel mother on breastfeeding and birth spacing

Reinforce need to seek care/call CHW for signs of local infection or danger signs

Postnatal visit 3: day 5 to 7 after birth

Assess for maternal and newborn danger signs and refer if necessary

Refer for immunization

Counsel mother on breastfeeding and birth spacing

Reinforce need to seek care/call CHW for signs of local infection or danger signs

Promote access to under five clinics and family planning at six weeks

If very low birth weight suspected 1

Refer if also danger sign present or two extra visits to support home care (breastfeeding, warmth, early danger sign recognition) if no danger sign or referral not possible

Promote temperature management (skin-to-skin, wrapping and delayed bathing)

Assist with feeding if needed

Attention to hygiene

Additional home visits: when called by caretakers

Check for signs of local infection and danger signs

Give early treatment (tentatively cotrimoxazole) and arrange facilitated referral

  1. 1In Ghana, maternal sensitivity was 73% and specificity 93% to detect birth weight <2 kg. Source: Final Report of the NEWHINTS Formative Research. ANC, antenatal care; IPT, intermittent presumptive treatment; ITN, insecticide-treated net; PMTCT, preventing mother-to-child transmission; PNC, postnatal care; TT, tetanus toxoid immunization.