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Table 6 Trial data and data collected

From: A pilot randomised controlled trial of negative pressure wound therapy to treat grade III/IV pressure ulcers [ISRCTN69032034]

Data collected in pilot trial

Aspect of full trial and/or cost effectiveness modelling and value of information analysis this informs

Number of participants recruited over 12 months

Number of participating centres required

Duration of recruitment period

Eligibility criteria

Time to healing of participants’ pressure ulcers

Duration of follow-up required and sample size

Number of participants who withdraw from the study or die before study completion or who are lost to follow-up

Initial sample size

Whether attrition is likely to threaten the validity of a future trial (due to attrition bias)

Reasons for withdrawal

Strategies to anticipate and minimise withdrawals

Rates of hospital admission, discharge, destinations

Which settings should be involved and how to ensure continuity of data collection

Photographs of pressure ulcers

Whether camera phones can be used to monitor healing in real time and whether photographs are adequate for blinded outcome assessment

Time of ulcer healing

Can assessment of healing be undertaken by blinded assessors from photographs?

Preferred language of (potential) participants

What proportion of future participants is likely to require translation of documentation into which languages?

Pain and health-related quality of life

Are the visual analogue scale (VAS) and EQ-5D questionnaire suitable in this population?

Nurses’ views of trial documentation

How can we optimise the data collection for a full trial to ensure completion by NHS staff?

Frequency of dressing changes

Resource use and structure of data collection tool

Time to change to treatment/nature of change to treatment and reasons

Resource use and structure of data collection tool

Adverse events (rates and nature)

Cost effectiveness and future data collection