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Table 1 Indicators of primary outcomes assessed pre-intervention a

From: The Well London program - a cluster randomized trial of community engagement for improving health behaviors and mental wellbeing: baseline survey results

Age group



Measurement tool


Healthy eating*

Binary: consumption of five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day (‘five-a-day’)

Food frequency questionnaire


Healthy physical activity*

Binary: doing five or more sessions of moderate intensity physical activity per week lasting at least 30 min (‘five-a-week’)

International Physical Activity Questionnaire


Mental wellbeing - positive

Continuous: Hope Scale score

Hope Scale


Mental wellbeing - negative

Binary: reports feeling anxious or depressed

EQ5D (1 item)


Mental wellbeing - negative

Binary: reports visiting GP for anxiety or depression or other emotional problem

Individual questionnaire item


Healthy eating - positive

Binary: frequent consumption of fruit

Individual questionnaire item


Healthy eating negative

Continuous: score summarizing frequency of consumption of chips, sweets or chocolate, and s ugar sweetened soft drinksb

Individual questionnaire items


Healthy physical activity*

Continuous: IPAQ score

Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents


Mental health - negative*

Binary: score above threshold for normal mental health

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire


Mental health - positive wellbeing*

Continuous: positive affect score and negative affect score

Positive and negative affect scale

  1. aOnly those outcomes marked with an asterisk will be primary trial outcomes at follow-up. Mental wellbeing in adults will be assessed using the GHQ12 [67] and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale [68, 69].
  2. bRespondents completed a Likert scale to indicate the frequency of consuming these items; the overall unhealthy eating score was calculated as the mean response across the three items (scores: 1, ‘hardly ever’; 2, ‘once or twice a week’; 3, ‘3-4 times a week’; 4, ‘almost every day’; 5, ‘every day without exception’.