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Table 1 Overview of instruments per time point in the CT and IPT group*

From: Effectiveness, relapse prevention and mechanisms of change of cognitive therapy vs. interpersonal therapy for depression: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial








Clinical Outcome measures


   Beck Depression Inventory II







   Quick Inventory of Depressive symptoms





   Brief Symptom Inventory







   Diagnostic Interview for Depression







   Beck Hopelessness Scale





   Longitudinal Interval Follow-up Evaluation



Process variables


   Attributional Style questionnaire







   Dysfunctional Attitude Scale







   Inventory of Interpersonal Problems







   Leiden Index of Depression Severity





   Ruminative Response Scale NL





   Self-Liking and Self-Competence Scale





   Single Category Implicit Association Task





Economic Evaluation measures


   Health care use Questionnaire







   Productivity and Disease Questionnaire







   Work and Social Adjustment Scale














   Rand 36







Other measures



   Genetic information


   Working Alliance Inventory




   Collaborative Study Psychotherapy Rating Scale





   Working Alliance Inventory-short observer version




  1. * Patients in the waiting list condition will receive the same baseline assessment, they will have a second baseline assessment at 2 months follow-up, and their 9, 14, and 26 month follow-up assessments parallel respectively the 7, 12, and 24 month assessments of the CT and IPT group. ** The following general predictors will be administered at baseline as well: demographic variables, family anamnesis, childhood experiences, life-events, reliability and expectations. *** During the treatment phase, all sessions will be videotaped. Only a random selection of tapes will be rated.