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Table 2 Overview of the contents of the bCBT

From: Brief cognitive behavioral therapy compared to general practitioners care for depression in primary care: a randomized trial

Session nr.

Required elements

Session 1

- Psycho- education

- Explanation of the relation between pleasant activities and mood

- Explanation of registration activities

- Homework

Session 2

- Review homework assignment

- Identification and expanding of potentially pleasant activities.

- Explanation of the relation between cognitions and feelings.

- Explanation 3 columns

- Homework

Session 3

- Review homework assignment

- Explain challenging negative thoughts/formulating rational thoughts

- Explanation 5 columns

- Homework

Session 4

- Review homework assignment

- Explain challenge tactics again.

- Explanation 7 columns

- Homework

Session 5

- Review homework assignment

- Practice challenging negative thoughts/formulating rational thoughts

- Optional: explanation of schema's

- Homework

Session 6

- Review homework assignment

- Explanation and challenging of schema's

- Homework

Session 7

- Review homework assignment

- Prevention plan

- Homework

Session 8

- Review homework assignment

- How further and prevention plan.

- Evaluation and farewell.