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Table 1 Reported treatment practice of clinicians in specialist CF centres

From: Feasibility study to inform the design of a randomised controlled trial to eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in individuals with Cystic Fibrosis




Is the treatment of a new growth of P aeruginosa the same as the first ever isolationa

33/41 (80%)

8/41 (20%)

Routine treatment of patients who present with their first growth of P aeruginosa b

Oral ciprofloxacin for 3 weeks and nebulised colistin for 3 months

21/29 (72%)

8/29 (28%)


Oral ciprofloxacin and nebulised colistin for 3 months

10/22 (45%)

12/22 (55%)


IV antibiotics for 2 weeks and nebulised colistin for 3 months


14/18 (78%)



9/22 (41%)

13/22 (59%)

Is the first or a new P aeruginosa isolation ever treated with IV antibiotics and nebulised colistin rather than oral ciprofloxacin and nebulised colistin?

38/42 (90%)

4/42 (10%)

Likely to treat first or new growth of P aeruginosa with IV antibiotics whenb

The patient is clinically unwell

35/35 (100%)

0/35 (0%)


The patient has had a previous culture of P aeruginosa

13/24 (54%)

11/24 (46%)


The patient has reduced lung function

28/31 (90%)

3/31 (10%)


Other reason

14/21 (67%)c

7/21 (33%)

  1. a1 respondent did not complete this question
  2. bNo responses were compulsory for this question and clinicians were able to select more than one option
  3. c 5 other reasons related to clinical deterioration; 3 to ciprofloxacin resistance and 2 to patient preference/adherence