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Table 1 Internal validity of included randomized controlled trials [20]

From: Does the Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene insertion/deletion polymorphism modify the response to ACE inhibitor therapy? – A systematic review


Homogenous study group

Blinding of outcome assessor for genotype

Blinding of outcome assessor for treatment

Blinding of laboratory assessor for outcome

Blinding of treatmen t provider (doctor) for genotype

Blinding of treatment treatment

Blinding of patients for treatment

Check to what extent blinding was successful

Registration of loss to follow-up

Random allocation (description of procedure)

Treatment allocation concealed

Hernandez 2000 [25]












Hingorani 1997 [26]












Kventy 2000 [27]












Meurice 2001 [28]












Okamura 1999 [21]












Okumura 2002 [29]












Pedersen 1997 [30]












Penno 1998 [23]












Perna 1999 [24]












Pinto1995 [31]












Van Geel 2003 [22]













Methods for dealing with missing values

Compliance checked

Analysis of CI

Control for possible clinical and other confounders between genotypes

Control of co- interventions that bear on outcome for each genotype

Per protocol analysis

Intention to treat analysis


Hernandez 2000 [25]









Hingorani 1997 [26]









Kventy 2000 [27]









Meurice 2001 [28]









Okamura1999 [21]









Okumura 2002 [29]









Pedersen 1997 [30]









Penno 1998 [23]









Perna 1999 [24]









Pinto 1995 [31]









Van Geel 2003 [22]








  1. + : Fulfilled; +/- : Partially fulfilled; - : Not fulfilled or no information provided