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Table 2 Maturity levels (BPMM-OMG)a

From: A maturity model for the scientific review of clinical trial designs and their informativeness

Maturity code

Maturity levels

Maturity level definition



Wherein both proactive and opportunistic improvement actions seek innovations that can close gaps between the organization’s current capability and the capability required to achieve its business objectives



Wherein the capabilities enabled by standard processes are exploited and provided back into work units. Process performance is managed statistically through the workflow to understand and control variation so that process outcomes can be predicted from intermediate states



Wherein common, standard processes are synthesized from best practices identified in the work groups and tailoring guidelines are provided supporting different business needs. Standard processes provide an economy of scale and a foundation for learning from common measures and experience



Wherein management stabilizes the work within local work units to ensure that it can be performed in a repeatable way that satisfies the workgroup’s primary commitments. However, work units performing similar tasks may use different procedures



Wherein business processes are performed in inconsistent sometimes ad hoc ways with results that are difficult to predict

  1. aMaturity level definitions here are taken directly from BPMM-OMG