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Table 1 Measurement instruments, constructs, and purpose {18a}

From: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Parent–Child Assistance Program: a case management and home visiting program for people using substances during pregnancy



Measurement purpose

Addiction Severity Index

Demographics, alcohol and drug use, family planning methods, legal involvement, medical conditions, psychiatric disorders, employment, connection to community resources, family history, child custody adverse childhood experiences

Primary and secondary outcomes

Brief Version of Addiction Severity Index

Current alcohol and drug use, family planning, legal involvement, mental status, psychiatric disorders, employment, connection to community resources, child custody

Primary and secondary outcomes

Self-administered survey

Criminal justice involvement, expanded adverse childhood experiences (baseline only), social support, maternal attachment, post-traumatic stress, psychological distress, self-esteem, self-efficacy, addiction beliefs, positive parenting, knowledge of child development, benevolent child experiences, working alliance inventory

Secondary outcomes and mediators