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Table 1 PubMed search strategy

From: Statistical analyses of ordinal outcomes in randomised controlled trials: a scoping review

Search strategy

(JAMA[journal] OR NEJM[journal] OR lancet[journal] OR BMJ[journal]) AND (ordinal[tiab]1 OR categorical[tiab] OR multinomial[tiab] OR “item-response”[tiab] OR psychometric[tiab] OR scale[tiab] OR Likert[tiab]) AND (randomized controlled trial[pt]2 OR controlled clinical trial[pt] OR trial[tiab] OR randomized[tiab] OR placebo[tiab] OR clinical trials as topic[mesh: noexp]3 OR randomly[tiab])

  1. 1 Indicates that the search is conducted on article titles and abstracts only
  2. 2 Corresponds to a publication type to indicate the article’s type of information conveyed
  3. 3 Corresponds to a medical subject headings such that the explosion feature has been turned off (explosion searches the more specific terms beneath that heading)