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Table 1 Components of the ABCC Tool in consultation sessions

From: A cluster-randomized study to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Assessment of Burden of Chronic Conditions (ABCC) tool in South Tyrolean primary care for patients with COPD, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and heart failure: the ABCC South Tyrol study



Illustrative description


Utilizes a short scale to assess the burden of disease due to one or more chronic conditions


Visualization (balloon diagram)

Self-assessment results are visualized using balloons of varying colors and heights to represent scores for items or domains. Green for good scores, red for areas of difficulty, and gray for previous scores to indicate change

Imagine a balloon for each health domain: green balloons rise high for areas of well-being, while red balloons hover low for challenges

Shared decision-making discussion

A discussion between the patient and healthcare provider, supported by treatment recommendations integrated into the tool

Guided conversation on treatment options based on assessment results

Agreement with personalized care targets

Setting individualized care goals based on the patient’s self-assessment and shared decision-making discussions

A section within the tool where patients and providers document agreed-upon health goals