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Table 3 Biomarker assay schedule

From: The scientific rationale and study protocol for the DPP3, Angiotensin II, and Renin Kinetics in Sepsis (DARK-Sepsis) randomized controlled trial: serum biomarkers to predict response to angiotensin II versus standard-of-care vasopressor therapy in the treatment of septic shock

Time point

Angiotensin II arm

Control (SOC) arm




Baseline (T0)

Drug initiation

2 h post-randomization

1 h

1 h post-drug initiationa

3 h post-randomizationa

3 h

3 h post-drug initiationa

5 h post-randomizationa

24 h

24 h post-initiationb

26 h post-randomizationb


24 h post-drug discontinuationc


  1. SOC schedule built on estimation that time from randomization to study drug initiation will be approximately 2 h. a ± 15 min. b ± 30 min. c ± 8 h. Abbreviations: SOC standard of care