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Table 2 Primary and secondary endpoints of the cRCT

From: The effects of cool roofs on health, environmental, and economic outcomes in rural Africa: study protocol for a community-based cluster randomized controlled trial

Primary endpoint

Heart rate

Definition: Heartbeats per minute

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Omron portable automated sphygmomanometers and smartwatch (in a subset of the cRCT population)

Secondary endpoints

Air temperature

Definition: Ambient air temperature (in °C)

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: DS1923 iButton Hygrochron heat and humidity measurement device

Relative humidity

Definition: Ratio of the amount of water vapor present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature (in %)

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: DS1923 iButton Hygrochron heat and humidity measurement device

Heat index

Definition: Index that combines air temperature and relative humidity (using the formulae endorsed by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA))

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: DS1923 iButton Hygrochron heat and humidity measurement device

Indoor thermal comfort

Definition: Current heat experience measured using heat strain score index. A score of < 13.5 indicates no or low heat strain, between 13.6–18 indicates potential for heat-induced illness, and > 18 indicates the onset of heat-induced illness

Functional form: Categorical

Measurement: Heat strain score index scale comprising 18 questions answered by individuals at the time of interview

Systolic blood pressure

Definition: Systolic blood pressure in mmHg

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Omron portable automated sphygmomanometers

Diastolic blood pressure

Definition: Diastolic blood pressure in mmHg

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Omron portable automated sphygmomanometers

Body temperature

Definition: Body temperature

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Inner ear thermometer


Definition: Loss of fluid greater than intake amount resulting in the body being unable to carry out its normal functions

Functional form: Categorical

Measurement: Urine hydration chart and question answered by individual

Blood glucose (HbA1c)

Definition: Average blood glucose measured over 3 months

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: HemoCue® HbA1c 501 System to capture estimated average glucose (g/L)


Definition: Number of hours slept and number of times the individual woke up

Functional form: Count

Measurement: Recall question answered by individual and smartwatch (in a subset of the cRCT population)


Definition: The mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS)-Plus (assessing memory, language, visual-spatial ability, and executive functioning domains)


Definition: Self-reported depression. Each response category of “not at all,” “several days,” “more than half the days,” and “nearly every day” is assigned a score of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The total score is calculated by adding together the scores for the nine questions. The final scores of 0–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, and 20–27 are the ranges for none, mild, moderate, moderately severe and severe, respectively

Functional form: Categorical

Measurement: Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) to screen and monitor depression


Definition: Self-reported aggression. Responses to 12 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale are summed up as a measure of aggression. Higher scores indicate higher aggressive behavior. The module can generate four subscales: physical aggression (items 1, 4, 8), verbal aggression (items 2, 5, 9), anger (items 6, 10, 12), and hostility (items 3, 7, 11). The score for each scale is the sum of the ratings for its items

Functional form: Categorical

Measurement: Short Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ)

Clinic utilization

Definition: Clinic utilization in the past 3 months

Functional form: Count

Measurement: Recall question answered by individual


Definition: Hospitalization in the past 12 months

Functional form: Count

Measurement: Recall question answered by individual

Children’s educational attainment

Definition: Highest school grade completed

Functional form: Count

Measurement: Question answered by household proxy respondent

Household consumption expenditures

Definition: Amount (XOF) spent on monthly expenditures

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Locally validated set of questions covering a comprehensive spectrum of expenditure categories in rural Burkina Faso, answered by household proxy respondent

Food crop harvest

Definition: Harvest weight per field surface (yield) in tons/m2

Functional form: Count measurement

Measurement: Remote sensing (Sentinel-2 satellite, validated against weighed crops in 2019)

Farmers’ movement

Definition: Work pattern of the farmers during their fieldwork

Functional form: Continuous

Measurement: Portable GPS device

 Mosquito count

Definition: Number of mosquitos in the light trap (collected at 0600 h) and aspirator (collected at 0900 h) over defined night cycles

Functional form: Count

Measurement: CDC miniature light trap, aspirator

Life satisfaction

Definition: Overall life satisfaction level of an individual on a scale from 1 to 10

Functional form: categorical

Measurement: Recall question answered by individual

Food consumption score (FCS)

Definition: Type and frequency of food intake over 7 days prior to the survey. The number of days a food item is consumed during the last 7 days before the survey is multiplied by a specific weight for the food group: starch staples (2), pulses (3), vegetables (1), fruits (1), fats (0.5), sugars (0.5), meat/fish/eggs (4), milk/dairy (4), and condiments (0). For each household, this leads to a score ranging from 0 to 112

Functional form: count

Measurement: Recall question answered by female respondents