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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and 14 day mortality of patients enrolled in the CRASH trial with mortality data available (n = 9978)

From: Between-centre differences and treatment effects in randomized controlled trials: A case study in traumatic brain injury


Corticosteroid (n = 4991)

Placebo (n = 4987)

Age (median, interquartile range)

33, 23-47

32, 23-47



4060 (81.3%)

4016 (80.5%)

Glasgow Coma Scale

   Severe (3-8)

1966 (39.4%)

1966 (39.4%)

   Moderate (9-12)

1554 (31.1%)

1479 (29.7%)

   Mild (13-14)

1471 (29.5%)

1542 (30.9%)

Pupillary reactivity

   Both reactive to light

4272 (85.6%)

4016 (80.5%)

14 day mortality



1053 (21.1%)

895 (17.9%)